(Trial) Consultation + Acupuncture
Treatment included Consultation 15 min + Acupuncture 30 min 治疗项目包括问诊 15分钟 + 针灸 30分钟
First Trial Promotion includes: >Consultation with TCMPB registered physicians 中医看诊 >Acupuncture treatment 针灸 >Duration: 45 minutes including consultation Acupuncture, a key facet of traditional Chinese medicine, offers diverse advantages. It relieves pain, enhances blood circulation, balances the body's energy, bolsters the immune system, regulates hormones, reduces inflammation, induces relaxation, improves digestion, and supports mental well-being. Personalized treatment plans are recommended for optimal outcomes. Acupuncture is applicable in the treatment of a diverse range of conditions and symptoms. It has proven to be highly effective in pain management, addressing issues such as headaches, back pain, chronic pain, musculoskeletal injuries, arthritis, and muscle tension. Additionally, acupuncture can be employed to alleviate psychological health concerns such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It aids in improving digestive problems, restoring hormonal balance, enhancing immune function, and alleviating allergic reactions. Acupuncture is also utilized in various fields including gynecology, gastroenterology, and respiratory health. It is important to note that acupuncture not only targets specific ailments but also promotes overall physical and mental well-being. Consulting a qualified practitioner is advisable to tailor acupuncture treatment plans according to individual needs. 针灸作为传统中医疗法的重要组成部分,拥有广泛的益处。通过在特定穴位插入细针,针灸可以激发人体的自然疗愈机制,调整气血流动,平衡阴阳,从而促进整体健康。其好处多种多样,首先包括疼痛的缓解,通过刺激神经末梢释放内啡肽等物质减轻疼痛。其次,针灸能改善血液循环,增强气血流动,对于气血滞留引起的症状有明显改善作用。此外,它还具备免疫调节能力,平衡免疫系统,提升身体抵抗力。针灸对荷尔蒙平衡亦有影响,对月经不调、更年期症状等有调理效果。同时,针灸可以减轻炎症反应,促进放松状态,改善消化功能,甚至对心理健康也有积极影响。然而,应当理解这些好处在不同情况下体现不同,因此在接受针灸治疗之前,最好咨询专业中医师,以制定针对个人需求的治疗方案。 针灸适用于治疗许多不同类型的疾病和症状。它在疼痛管理方面非常有效,如头痛、腰痛、疼痛管理、慢性疼痛、运动损伤、关节炎和肌肉紧张。此外,针灸还可用于减轻焦虑、抑郁、失眠等心理健康问题,改善消化问题,调节内分泌失衡,加强免疫功能,以及缓解过敏反应。针灸还在妇科、消化系统、呼吸系统等多个领域中得到应用。值得注意的是,针灸不仅可以用于治疗具体的病症,还能促进整体的身心健康 *First Trial Promotion only for online exclusive体验价只限网上预约* *First Trial Promotion including consultation体验价包括问诊*
1. Secure your appointment with a $10 non-refundable deposit. 2. If you can't attend, we'll keep the credit for one year or transferable to others. 3. Exclusive online promotions are for online bookings. 4. Appointments depend on our schedule, but we'll try to accommodate your preferred time. Alternatives will be suggested if needed. 5. Your chosen treatment may change after the physician assessment, with additional charges. 6. All Price has included physician assessment fees of $25 for first-time customers / $20 for repeated customers at Yong Kang TCM Clinic and $35 for first-time customers / $25 for repeated customers at Refresh TCM Wellness. 7. Mandatory physician assessment fees of $25 (Yong Kang TCM Clinic) and $35 (Refresh TCM Wellness) apply for first-time or repeated customers after 6 months. 8. All prices is subject to prevailing GST. 1. 预约需支付$10不可退的订金。 2. 无法如期完成预约,我们将为您的订金保留一年或可转让给他人 3. 独家网上促销仅适用于在线预订。 4. 任何预约更改取决于我们的时间表,如有需要,我们将提供其他替代方案以满足您的时间要求。 5. 您选择的治疗配套可能会依据医师专业评估后有所变化,额外服务将收取额外费用。 6. 所有价格已包含(永康中医诊所)$25首次访客 / $20回访顾客和(Refresh TCM中医养生中心)$35首次访客 / $25回访顾客的医师评估费用。。 7. 首次或6个月后再次访问的顾客需支付$25(永康中医诊所)和$35(Refresh TCM中医养生中心)的医师评估费用。 8. 所有价格均需缴纳消费税。
HarbourFront Walk, #02-172 Yong Kang TCM Clinic by Refresh - Vivo City, Singapore
8 Ang Mo Kio Ave, #01 04, Singapore 569814, Singapore
Yong Kang TCM Clinic @ Jurong Point Shopping Centre, Jurong Point, Singapore
Choa Chu Kang Street 51, Yong Kang TCM Clinic 永康中医 @ Limbang Shopping Centre #02-05, Limbang Shopping Centre, Singapore
Sembawang Drive, Yong Kang TCM 永康中医 - Sun Plaza #B1-21, Sun Plaza, Singapore
Alexandra Road, #B1-17 Yong Kang TCM Clinic @ Anchorpoint Shopping Centre, Singapore
Choa Chu Kang North 6, Yong Kang TCM - Yew Tee Point #01-29, Singapore