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Reformer Pilates 专业康复普拉提

Sculpt Your Body, Start Your Wellness Journey 优美塑形,健康启程

  • 1 h
  • 248 Singapore dollars
  • Lucky Plaza #05-43

Service Description

Reformer Pilates is a form of exercise that utilizes a specialized machine called a Reformer to perform a wide range of movements aimed at strengthening muscles, improving flexibility, and enhancing overall body alignment. It combines elements of traditional Pilates with resistance training, making it suitable for individuals looking for a low-impact yet effective workout. Reformer Pilates suitable for: -Fitness enthusiasts seeking a versatile workout. -Athletes aiming to improve performance and prevent injuries. -Individuals in post-rehabilitation, recovering from injuries or managing chronic conditions. -Pregnant women looking to strengthen their core and alleviate discomfort. -Seniors seeking a low-impact exercise to maintain mobility and independence. Conditions Suitable for Reformer Pilates: -Back pain: Strengthens core muscles and improves spinal alignment. -Joint pain: Provides a safe workout with controlled movements and adjustable resistance. -Muscle imbalances: Targets specific muscle groups to correct asymmetry. -Postural issues: Focuses on alignment and body awareness to improve posture. -Stress and anxiety: Promotes relaxation through mindful movement and breathing techniques. 专业康复普拉提是一种运动形式,利用一种专门的机器称为Reformer来进行广泛的动作,旨在加强肌肉,提高灵活性,改善整体身体对齐。它结合了传统普拉提和抗阻训练的元素,适合寻求低冲击但有效的锻炼的人群。 专业康复普拉提适合: -寻求多样化锻炼的健身爱好者。 -旨在提高表现和预防受伤的运动员。 -康复后的个人,正在康复中,正在康复中或管理慢性疾病。 -怀孕妇女寻求加强核心肌肉和缓解不适。 -寻求低冲击锻炼以保持活动性和独立性的老年人。 适合专业康复普拉提的条件: -背痛:加强核心肌肉,改善脊柱对齐。 -关节疼痛:通过控制动作和可调节的阻力提供安全的锻炼。 -肌肉失衡:针对特定肌肉群以纠正不对称。 -姿势问题:专注于对齐和身体意识,以改善姿势。 -压力和焦虑:通过正念运动和呼吸技巧促进放松。

Cancellation Policy

1. Secure your appointment with a $10 non-refundable deposit. 2. If you can't attend, we'll keep the credit for one year or transferable to others. 3. Exclusive online promotions are for online bookings. 4. Appointments depend on our schedule, but we'll try to accommodate your preferred time. Alternatives will be suggested if needed. 5. Your chosen treatment may change after the physician assessment, with additional charges. 6. All Price has included physician assessment fees of $25 for first-time customers / $20 for repeated customers at Yong Kang TCM Clinic and $35 for first-time customers / $25 for repeated customers at Refresh TCM Wellness. 7. Mandatory physician assessment fees of $25 (Yong Kang TCM Clinic) and $35 (Refresh TCM Wellness) apply for first-time or repeated customers after 6 months. 8. All prices is subject to prevailing GST. 1. 预约需支付$10不可退的订金。 2. 无法如期完成预约,我们将为您的订金保留一年或可转让给他人 3. 独家网上促销仅适用于在线预订。 4. 任何预约更改取决于我们的时间表,如有需要,我们将提供其他替代方案以满足您的时间要求。 5. 您选择的治疗配套可能会依据医师专业评估后有所变化,额外服务将收取额外费用。 6. 所有价格已包含(永康中医诊所)$25首次访客 / $20回访顾客和(Refresh TCM中医养生中心)$35首次访客 / $25回访顾客的医师评估费用。。 7. 首次或6个月后再次访问的顾客需支付$25(永康中医诊所)和$35(Refresh TCM中医养生中心)的医师评估费用。 8. 所有价格均需缴纳消费税。

Contact Details

  • 304 Orchard Rd, Orchard Medical Specialists Centre, Lucky Plaza, Singapore 238863

    65 9726 7911

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